OstroVit Omega 3 D3+K2 90 caps


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OstroVit Omega 3 D3 + K2 is a dietary supplement in softgel type capsules, containing omega 3 fatty acids (EPA and DHA) and vitamins D3, K2, as well as D-alpha-tocopherol or vitamin E. OstroVit Omega 3 D3 + K2 is especially recommended for people who want to ensure the proper functioning of the cardiovascular system, cardiovascular system, as well as those who want to ensure the proper functioning of the bones.

  • 90 capsules in the package
  • The high content of EPA and DHA fatty acids
  • 2000 I.U. vitamin D3 in a capsule
  • 90 servings of a real bestseller

OstroVit Omega 3 D3 + K2

  • Omega 3 EFAs – essential fatty acids are primarily eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). Their main source are mainly fish, crustaceans as well as vegetable oils and nuts. Unsaturated fatty acids from the Omega 3 group support the proper functioning of the heart, brain, blood vessels, as well as improve mental condition and cognitive abilities.


  • Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) is a vitamin that has multiple and multidirectional effects on our body. One of its most important functions is the regulation of calcium and phosphate metabolism, which supports the proper mineralization of our bones and teeth. In addition, it has the effect of increasing the body’s resistance to infection, protects against the occurrence of depression, depression and apathy. In our latitude, looking at the insufficient amount of sunlight and low exposure of our body to their effects, its supplementation in the autumn and winter is almost obligatory.


  • Vitamin K2 (menaquinone) is necessary for the proper functioning of the body, regulates blood coagulation, and also affects the maintenance of normal bone mineral density. It is responsible for the proper transport of calcium from the blood to bone tissue, which allows you to maintain healthy and strong bones, and increase their resistance to collapse.


  • Vitamin E (D-alpha-tocopherol) is a vitamin known primarily for its antioxidant (antioxidant) properties, preventing cell and DNA damage by free radicals. Vitamin E also participates in the synthesis of anticoagulants, maintaining adequate permeability of cell membranes and reducing platelet aggregation (clumping), thanks to which it can contribute to preventing blood clots.


Properties OstroVit Omega 3 D3 + K2

  • Supports the action of the cardiovascular system
  • Supports the proper functioning of the brain
  • Has anticoagulant effect
  • Has a mineralizing effect for your bones and teeth
  • It helps in the proper functioning of the muscles
  • Has antidepressant effect
122 g
1 caps

  Per portion % RI*
Fish oil 1000 mg  
– EPA 330 mg  
– DHA 220 mg  
Vitamin D3 50 μg / 2000 IU 1000 %
Vitamin K2 50 μg 67 %
Vitamin E 12 mg 100 %





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